Bless Beauty Palette Blush Румяна компактные

Bless Beauty Palette Blush Румяна компактные
Bless Beauty Palette Blush Румяна компактные
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код товара: 601349
  • Characteristics
  • Возраст: 18+
    Бренд: Bless Beauty
    Серия: face
    Группа товара: румяна
    Пол: для женщин
    Тип кожи: все типы
    Эффект: матовый
    : compact
    Классификация: масс маркет
    Страна ТМ: Poland
    Сделано в: Польша
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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Põsepuna toon 01 on väga intensiivne, peaaegu nagu punase tellise värv. Seda tuleb hoolikalt peale kanda ja hästi hajutada. Toode püsib üsna hästi peal, kuid kaasasolev pintsel ei ole mugav kasutada.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Ostan seda toodet juba teist korda. Põsepuna on suurepärane. Soovitan seda väga.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Põsepuna on hästi pigmenteeritud, puuderjas ja kantav ühtlaselt ning kestab õhtuni. Olen seda juba paar korda ostnud.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Põsepunad ise on tõesti head. Olen neid juba mitu korda tellinud, kuid seekord saabusid need ühes värvitoonis, mida ma kunagi ei kasuta. Tegelikult tellisin kaks, roosa ja beeži. Olin väga pettunud, seetõttu andsin need lõpuks oma vanaemale ja nüüd olen ilma põsepunata.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    See põsepuna on suurepärane. Mul on vari 04 - kui seda kasutan, segan mõlemad värvid omavahel ning tulemus on imeline. Kvaliteet on suurepärane.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Ma ostsin toon 3. Tegelikult on see veidi pruunikam kui fotol. Siiski, segades teiste toonidega, loob see ilusa varjundi. Tekstuur on ühtlane ja see püsib kaunilt terve päeva.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Need punased põsepunad on täiesti imelised! Ostsin tooni 03 ja see sobib mulle täiuslikult. Need kantakse sujuvalt peale ning püsivad kaunilt paigal.

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Põsepuna #1, imekaunis värv. Sobib mulle suurepäraselt. See kipub veidi lagunema, kuid ma pole kindel, kas see on nii mõeldud. See on esimene kord, kui ma selle toote ostsin :)

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  • Покупка подтверждена
    Translated Review

    Tiheda tekstuuriga, pigmenteeritud ja mati viimistlusega toon 01 ei vasta fotol kuvatule, sellel on pigem virsiku alatoon. Ootasin pigem marjale sarnanevat tooni. Need näevad ilusad välja, kuid kahju, et neil on soe alatoon.

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  • Translated Review

    Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "These products hold up well and are adequately pigmented. Shade 04 is suitable for those with a summer complexion. I highly recommend them!"

    Translation: Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows: "Need to translate a product review into Estonian and make it coherent and error-free. The original text is as follows

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