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Ingrid Cosmetics Mineral Silk & Lift Тональный крем

Ingrid Cosmetics Mineral Silk & Lift Тональный крем
Ingrid Cosmetics Mineral Silk & Lift Тональный крем
3.99 €‎
6.64 €‎
+All colors (5)
280 - Light Ivory
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код товара: 180071
  • Characteristics
  • Возраст: 18+
    Бренд: Ingrid Cosmetics
    Серия: face
    Группа товара: тональный крем
    Назначение: лифтинг
    Пол: для женщин
    Тип кожи: все типы
    Объем: 30 ml
    Эффект: silky
    Ингредиенты: e-vitamiin, kastriõli
    : cream
    Классификация: профессиональная
    Страна ТМ: Poland
    Сделано в: Польша
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    Ostsin selle jumestuskreemi arvustuste põhjal ja see meeldis mulle väga! Valisin tooni 280. Mul on hele nahk ja see sobis ideaalselt.

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    Varjund 29 on loomuliku tooniga. Sellel ei ole oranži ega roosat alatooni. Toode katab hästi ettevalmistatud nahal. Mulle meeldis see väga.

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    when you need to make a fix on the floor.

    A lot of people don't know that you're supposed to clean the floor first before you put the floor polish on, but you can sand the surface of the floor with a fine sandpaper or a sanding screen and then just roll the floor polish on with a paint roller.

    It is a good idea to keep the floor clean, but you can use a floor polisher to get it clean and get the floor back to looking like new.

    However, you have to be really careful with the floor polish because the chemicals in the polish are very powerful and you have to always make sure you have good ventilation or else the solvent will make you sick.

    And don't forget to cover everything with a tarp or something so that you don't make a mess of everything.

    You can also use a vacuum that has a strong suction to get rid of the dirt and dust and then you just have to put the floor polish on and let it dry.

    You can also use a floor buffer to buff the floor. The floor buffer is a machine with a large rotating head that moves over the floor and polishes it.

    You can use the floor buffer to do the whole floor or you can just use it on certain spots.

    You can also use a polisher with a buffer to get the same effect.

    When you're using the buffer or the polisher, you'll need to make sure that you use the right kind of polish and the right kind of pad.

    You can also use a polisher that has a polisher head that you can use to polish the floor.

    The polisher head is a little bit different than the buffer head and can be used to polish a floor that has a lot of polish on it.

    You'll need to make sure that you use the right kind of polish and the right kind of pad to get the best results.

    If you're not sure which polish to use, you can ask the people at the hardware store or you can ask someone who knows about floor polish.

    You can also use the internet to find information on floor polish and floor polishers.

    There are a lot of different brands and types of polish and polishers out there and you should try them all to see which one works best for you.

    You should also make sure that you have the right kind of equipment and that you have the right kind of tools to use with the polish and the polisher.

    You can also use a polisher to polish the floor with a polisher head.

    The polisher head is a little bit different than the buffer head and can be used to polish a floor that has a lot of polish on it.

    You'll need to make sure that you use the right kind of polish and the right kind of pad to get the best results.

    If you're not sure which polish to use, you can ask the people at the hardware store or you can ask someone who knows about floor polish.

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    Toon 280. Viimasel hetkel otsustasin valida 280 portselani asemel ja ma ei kahetse! Mul on väga hele ja kuiv nahk ning see toon sobis mulle ideaalselt. Arvustustes lugesin, et see on tumedam kui 28 (või 29), kuid minu jaoks tundub see heledalt kollane—mitte oranžikas või pruunikas, vaid tõeliselt kollane. Ainus heledam toon võiks olla midagi nii heledat kui valge jahu. Kandsin peale ühe kihi. See ei kata tedretähne, kuid annab näole kauni jume (pole arugi saada, et kannan jumestuskreemi). Katvus on keskmine. Tundub nagu niisutav kreem ja lõpetan selle tundmise kohe pärast pealekandmist. See on nüüd minu lemmik!

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    Mul on kuiv ja hele nahk ning valisin tooni 280. See sobis ideaalselt, pakkudes suurepärast niisutust ja ühtlustades mu nahatooni kaunilt. Kõige olulisem on see, et see ei ketenda mu nahal, mis on minu jaoks tõeline leid.

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    Olen meeldivalt üllatunud, mulle meeldis see kreem tõesti väga.

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    See jumestuskreem on uskumatult imeline, kas oled üllatunud? See on alahinnang. Olen selle kvaliteediga muljet avaldatud, see ületab kiidetud brände nagu Chanel, Revlon ja Vichy, mida olen kasutanud. Isegi kiiruga sõrmedega peale kandes annab see ühtlase tooni ilma maski efektita. See näeb loomulik välja minu kombineeritud ja küpse nahaga! Olen vaimustuses! Soovitan seda väga.

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    Tundub hea, kuid see tekitab silmadele allergiat.

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    Olen seda juba kaks korda ostnud, sest mulle tõesti meeldib see! Valisin tooni 280. Mul on hele nahk ja see toon sobib ideaalselt. Sellel on tihke tekstuur, mis katvusega tõhusalt peidab ebatäiuslikkused, kahjustamata nägu (maskiefektita). See ei põhjusta ärritust ning püsib nahal kaua, isegi täispika tööpäeva jooksul.

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